Nib Saga Strat Style Electric Guitar Builder Kit

Up for purchase is a brand new kit to build your own Strat style guitar. This is your chance to make your own masterpiece. Never before has it been so affordable to make your own, fully playable and professional guitar until now. Follow the easy to read instructions and you are well on your way to making your ST-10 Saga Electric Guitar Kit a true one-of-a-kind!
- Kit includes all parts and instructions necessary to build a complete, playable guitar
- Body is made of all-select Basswood with shaping and routing already complete
- Solid select Maple neck with a fretted Rosewood fingerboard
- Headstock is a blank peghead shape with tuning machine holes pre-drilled
- Adjustable truss rod
- All hardware is heavily nickel plated
- Electronic parts are mounted to the pickguard and ready for installation- no soldering required
- All holes are pre-drilled
- Complete with strings and electric cord
- Available in right-handed versions only
Customers in Alaska and Hawaii, please add $10 extra for shipping. Please visit our store for more great items.
Payment: We accept paypal, mastercard, and visa. Your order will be processed within 24 hours of receiving payment and shipped within 48 hours. Please allow up to 4-7 days for your order to arrive from the day that your order is shipped.
Shipping: Items may be shipped via FEDEX, UPS, or USPS. If you have any further questions on which method your particular order will be shipped please contact me. If your item is damaged upon arrival, and you purchased insurance, please contact me within 48 hours of arrival and I will replace your damaged item.
Contact: You may contact us with questions by calling our store at 636-933-7300. Our store hours are Monday-Thursday 2:00-8:00pm, Friday 12:00-5:00pm and Saturday 9:30am-3:00pm CST.
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Created by eBay Blackthorne ver.
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