Very Nice Antiqued White Strat Style Body Project

I got this in a trade from a 'weekend enthusiast ' guitar guy and am very impressed by the refinishing work...Better than some very costly pro refins I've seen ! And its been relic'd a bit too,with just a couple wear spots & marks...looks good!! (pls see pics). Anyhow, he abandoned the project of building a Strat due to time crunch...Its been a while but he was pretty sure the body is an upper grade Squier. I'll leave it as (?) but I can say it's a nice quality solid wood body (not lam) and the route is almost a bathtub route & will work for HSS configuation. This body has 11 holes to fit standard Strat pickguard and also has bridge w/ FENDER marked in line w/ the strings. Also includes Trem block.Finish is 7 coats of nitrocellulose lacquer. As always, Satisfaction Guaranteed.

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